AltairVert Tips

Tips for a Greener Office

Recycle. Reduce. Reuse.
Set up recycling bins, incentives for saving paper, and "green days" to try new things.

Live Simpler and Greener
Reduce paper clutter, stacked mail, and unfiled records.

Consider accepting online bills and sending electronic invoices
Stop your paper bills. Request all statements and invoices arrive electronically or via login to your online account. Benefits include saving time & money, fewer checks, less postage, and taking care of that bill in seconds.

Return the favor by sending electronic invoices and enjoy the same benefits as well as better record-keeping. Find an electronic invoice in seconds (unlike its paper counterpart).

Improve Control and Record Keeping
Organize, store, and retrieve your records and files easily and seamlessly with a Document Management System.

Enjoy More Ease and Convenience
Manage your files online and access anytime from anywhere.

Concerned about Security?
Secure Your Data 24x7 with 128-bit encryption and get the same security banks use online.


Visit these sites to learn how to make a difference.

Environmental Protection Agency

Do Something



National Recycling Coalition

How to Green Your Work

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